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Pre-Submission Consultation Representations

Mon 1st February


Pre-Submission Consultation Representations 12th October 2015

The Neighbourhood Plan Team is very grateful for the comments and representations made on the Pre-submission Draft of the Stratford Neighbourhood Development Plan.  A full list of the Representations made is now published on the Our Stratford website.  This consists of: a Numerical List of Representations; a table of all the Representations that were received on-line or on the printed response form, sorted by Policy; and a series of individual Representations that are not possible to include in the summary table.   A majority of the submissions are in general supportive, but there are also substantial points that have been made which are being considered in detail. 

All Representations will be taken into account in producing a final amended Plan that will be submitted for Examination.  A  Consultation Statement will be submitted with that Plan and this will include an Annex that will show how each Representation has been dealt with.  Timings as to when a final submission can be made are uncertain as not only is there significant work to do to consider responses to the Representations, we are also dependant on decisions that will arise from the District Council's Core Strategy which is out of our control.  We are hopeful however, that the Neighbourhood Development Plan and all supporting documents can be ready for submission for Examination in the early part of 2016.

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